
Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Paper Monster

How in the world am I going to tame the Paper Monster?  I am not even close to answering this question.  Yesterday, I did my best to knock it down a little.  I recently decided my big four drawer filing cabinet was not working for me.  I had tons of stuff in it .  Some files were nicely labeled and some just stashed in there.  Why do I need four drawers of files?  Perhaps I don't.  Turns out that if you keep EVERYTHING you can't find ANYTHING!

The now homeless files and additional stacks of paper have been cluttering up the craft room for months.  Yesterday I hauled a bunch of it to the dining room table for sorting and tossing.

I started with two empty boxes next to me - one for trash and one for items to be shredded.  This first time through I got rid of the obvious, which was quite a bit!  I am sure more will go when I decide on my new filing plan. 

I am considering using a binder system for my files.  I like the idea of having a book for reference instead of digging through folders in a drawer.  However, I did see a very cool idea for a file if I decide to do a would do double duty as a coffee table (which I currently do not have.)

Either way I want a whole lot less paper "hanging" around...which means I am getting rid of a bunch of hanging files :)

This paper situation is a definite work in progress.  A huge problem area for me is collecting recipes.  I am constantly cutting out or printing recipes I find online.  Problem is they multiply every time I open a magazine, watch a cooking show, surf the internet until I have no clue what I have saved or if I do happen to remember one I want to try I have NO chance of finding it.  For example, this time last year I found a recipe for a grilled lemon chicken in a magazine that I was so excited about trying, as soon as it warmed up enough to grill.  I am sure you know what warmed up and the recipe was no where to be found - I searched everywhere (except where it was, I guess).  I did, however. find it again early this it waits for spring again.  A few years ago I sorted my recipes into a filing system.

I hasn't really worked for me.  There were very few categories I used consistently the others were ignored.  I ended up surfing the internet when I wanted inspiration.  The Pinterest bulletin boards are working well for me so far...I've made several of the recipes I have pinned to my board.  Now what to do with all the clippings.  Part of me wishes I had the courage to just toss them all out (and start over?)  The jury is still out on that, but at least now all the recipes are confined to one tote bag.  

Another idea I tried but haven't mastered is organizing recipes/activities/crafts for specific upcoming occasions by using a monthly file.  Trouble is I don't look at it consistently and forget there is something in there I want to try.  I think this plan has great potential I just need to figure out how to make it work for me.  

So after a couple hours of sorting and tossing I have reduced the stacks to one box - one very stuffed box.   A very good start, I think.  

Here is a peek at the craft room's current condition....

I see floor spacing opening up!
Notice the box of files and tote o'recipes at the base of the shelf.
I knew this process was going to be full of tough decisions, but I am feeling very good about the progress I am making.  

I'd love to hear any ideas or success stories you have to share for taming the Paper Monster.
